Season of Orion

With origins dating back to Homer’s epic Odyssey and one of the 48 constellations listed in Ptolemy’s Almagest, Orion provides a link for astronomy’s transformation between mythology and science.  Many of the stars in Orion bear names rooted in Arabic, artifacts of the golden age of Islamic astronomy from 800 – 1450 A.D.  Presently, NASA has designated Orion as the title for its deep space vehicle to carry humans to destinations beyond the Moon.  As the winter solstice approaches, the most famous constellation begins to make its appearance high in the evening sky.  Orion contains a rich tapestry of stars, nebulae, and history.

Credit: IAU and Sky & Telescope.

In early December, Orion rises above the eastern horizon around 7 PM.  As the winter progresses, Orion rises earlier and earlier, meaning its zenith in the sky falls in the early evening hours making its visibility very prominent to anyone out and about at night.  Located on the celestial equator, adjacent to the zodiacal constellations Gemini and Taurus, Orion is observable in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.  The main seven stars are red or blue giants and are very luminous.  To put the brightness of these stars in perspective, lets compare them to the Sun using a Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram.

Orion HR
Luminosity is in solar units (Sun = 1). Temperature is in Kelvins.

The Sun is represented by the yellow dot.  You will note one of the quirks in the H-R diagram is that temperature, depicted by the horizontal axis, is scaled in reverse.  That means hotter stars are on the left and cooler stars are on the right.  All of the major seven stars of Orion are 10,000 to 100,000 times brighter than the Sun.  In fact, most of the stars you see when looking at the night sky without the aid of a telescope will be brighter than the Sun.  In the case of Orion, the stars are blue-white giants with the exception of Betelgeuse which is represented by the dot to the far right of the diagram.  Betelgeuse is cooler than the Sun, how could it be so much brighter?  The answer lies in its size.

Betelgeuse is so large the orbit of Mars could fit inside of it.  A 100-watt light bulb is brighter than a 60-watt light bulb.  However, ten 60-watt light bulbs are brighter than a single 100-watt light bulb.  That is why Betelgeuse, despite being a relatively cool 3,500 K, is so luminous.  Betelgeuse is a red giant, which means it is in the latter part of its life.  A star becomes a red giant when all the hydrogen in its core has been burned up.  As a star begins to fuse helium, the core becomes hotter, expanding the star much like hot air expands a balloon.  Eventually, Betelgeuse will go supernova.  Will we see this event?  It’s possible, but not probable.  A recent estimate predicts the supernova to occur in 100,000 years.  To put that in perspective, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt were built about 5,000 years ago.  But that’s not to say Betelgeuse is not interesting to observe now.

Looking at Orion, Betelgeuse occupies the upper left corner.  Most stars appear to be white to the naked eye.  With Betelgeuse, one can detect its red color.  Most stars are too dim to activate the cones in our eyes that can discern color.  Betelgeuse provides the opportunity to see the true color of a star without a telescope and/or camera.  With a telescope, Betelgeuse provided astronomers the opportunity to make it the first star whose disk was resolved beyond a point of light.  In 1996, the Hubble Space Telescope imaged the surface of Betelgeuse.

Betelgeuse, 1996. First image to resolve a stellar surface besides the Sun. Credit: Andrea Dupree (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), Ronald Gilliland (STScI), NASA and ESA

Betelgeuse has attracted the curiosity of astronomers for centuries, and the roots of its distinct name is a legacy of that history.  The word Betelgeuse is derived from the Arabic word Yad al-Jawza, which means forefront of the white-belted sheep.  Many star names have their origins from the golden era of Islamic astronomy.  One tip off of a word with Arabic origins is if it begins with “al”, which is equivalent to “the” in English.  In Orion, the stars Alnitak (the girdle) and Alnilam (the belt of pearls) are two such examples.  The Orion stars Mintaka (belt), Saiph (sword of the giant), and Rigel (rijl – foot) are also Arabic in nature.  Of the seven major stars of Orion, Bellatrix is the outlier as it is derived from the Latin word for female warrior.

Scholars at the Abbasid Library in Baghdad, 1237. Many prominent astronomers from Central Asia traveled to Baghdad’s House of Wisdom to study. This library was sacked during the Mongol invasion of 1258. Credit: Wiki Commons.

The Arabic influence extends into math (algebra) and computer science (algorithm).  As S. Frederick Starr describes in his book, Lost Enlightenment, the epicenter of this scientific golden age was in a region of Central Asia spanning from Eastern Iran to Western China and Kazakhstan to Northern Pakistan and India.  As the Islamic Empire grew during this period, Arabic became the de facto language of science much as English is today.  The Islamic astronomers were among the first to begin the process of challenging Ptolemy’s Earth centric model of the universe.

Ptolemy had listed Orion as a constellation in his Almagest.  Note this title begins with the letters al.  As you may have surmised, this is the Arabic translation of the title which is The Greatest Compilation and translates into Arabic as al-majisti.  Ptolemy wrote Almagest in 150 A.D., and it survived as the primary star catalog until 1598 when Tycho Brahe published his thousand star catalog Stellarum octavi orbis inerrantium accurata restitutio.  While Ptolemy was known to dabble in astrology, Almagest was concerned with the mathematical modeling of the motions of celestial objects.  The mythology of Orion predates Ptolemy by several centuries.

Credit: Wiki Commons

While it can be difficult to discern mythological patterns in most constellations, it is easy to see how the Ancient Greeks viewed Orion as a hunter.  In Greek mythology, Orion’s father was Poseidon.  During the early 1970’s, a movie called The Poseidon Adventure, featuring an ocean liner capsized by a tidal wave, kickstarted a decade of disaster movies.  The mythological Poseidon could walk on water and Orion inherited that trait.  Orion, of course, was also a great hunter.  So great, in fact, he threatened to kill every animal on Earth.  This caused Orion to run afoul of Gaia, the goddess of Earth, who sent a scorpion to kill Orion.  Both the scorpion and Orion were placed by Zeus in the heavens.  Scorpius is most prominent in the summer sky while Orion is most prominent in the winter sky.  The scorpion is always chasing the hunter in the heavens.

Death and rebirth is often a theme in mythology.  That is also the case in the universe.  Orion the constellation is home to the Orion Nebula, at 1,340 light years away, the closest stellar nursery to Earth and home to some 1,000 newly born stars.  The Orion Nebula (aka M42) is located in Orion’s sword and can be seen with the naked eye and you can take an image of it with your cellphone.  When the Hubble is pointed at the Orion Nebula, it looks like this:

Credit: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team

The glowing gas of the Orion Nebula is lit up by four massive stars which constitute the Trapezium cluster.  These stars, along with the 1,000 forming stars, blast through the nebula with high stellar winds creating a cauldron of bubbles, bow shocks, and pillars of dust and gas.  Along with these structures are protoplanetary disks in which systems of planets such as our Solar System may originate.  The Orion Nebula is an example of how gas is recycled from stars that went supernova to build new stars.  The heavy elements (elements besides hydrogen and helium) that make up the Earth and our bodies were assembled in the fusion reactions of first generation stars, then spread out into the galaxy via supernova explosions.  Our Sun is a second generation star produced from the supernova remnants of a first generation star.  Thus, as Joni Mitchell would say, we are stardust.

Could life exist in the stars that comprise the constellation Orion?  Science fiction writers have often used Orion and its stars in their stories as the reading audience is familiar with these names.  In Star Trek, there were the infamous green Orion slave women and Rigel is mentioned in several episodes.  If life does exist in Orion, it would not be in planets around the main seven stars of the constellation.  Those stars are either blue or red giants.  Giant stars live fast and die young as they expend prodigious amounts of energy, much like a gas guzzling  automobile.  The lifespans of these stars are on the order of tens of millions of years.  This is much shorter than the 700 million years it took single cell organisms and 4.5 billion years for intelligent life to develop on Earth.  If life exists in Orion, it would be around the dimmer, Sun-like stars that usually require binoculars or a telescope to detect.  These stars burn at a slower rate, giving them a lifespan of the several billion years that could enable life to evolve on an orbiting planet.

One can look up at Orion and imagine the state of human civilization in years past.  Rigel is 733 light years and Betelgeuse is 642 light years, give or take a few dozen for measurement uncertainties, from Earth.  A light year is the distance light travels in, you guessed it, one year.  When you look at Rigel and Betelgeuse, the light photons striking your eyes began their journey from those stars during the late 1200’s and 1300’s.  In other words, you are looking at those stars as they were during the waning years of the golden age of Islamic astronomy, when those stars were named.  Like all societies, the Islamic Empire faced a struggle between science and mythology as the basis for knowledge.

During Artemis I, Orion will venture thousands of miles beyond the moon during an approximately three week mission. Credit: NASA

Certainly the Ancient Greeks endured that struggle as well.  Ptolemy practiced astronomy and astrology side by side.  Currently, America is experiencing a distinct anti/pseudo scientific political and social movement, while at the same time NASA has named its developing deep space vehicle Orion.  Often we view struggles within civilizations as ideological and/or theological conflicts.  Whether a society advances scientifically depends more so on the clash between rational thought, validated by empirical evidence, and verified by independent sources against dogmatic thinking not open to critical review.  History will tell you the correct path to go, and in many respects, astronomer’s attempts to understand that most prominent constellation in the sky has been side by side with that struggle.

*Image at top of post is how Orion appears in the evening sky during winter.  Credit:  Wiki Commons.

To Catch a Star

Prior to the New Horizons flyby this month, the best image we had of Pluto came from the Hubble Space Telescope:
Credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Buie (Southwest Research Institute)

This struck me as being very similar to our best image of a stellar surface besides the Sun.  Very few stars have had their surfaces resolved.  Most stars appear as points of light in even the largest of telescopes.  Below is an image of Betelgeuse taken by the Hubble:

Credit: Andrea Dupree (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), Ronald Gilliland (STScI), NASA and ESA

So the question to ask is, how can we obtain high resolution images of stellar disks as we did with Pluto?  Barring radical advancements in spacecraft propulsion, sending a mission to a star is not feasible.  The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.24 light years away from us.  The New Horizons probe, which is traveling at 35,000 mph (56,000 km/hr), would take over 100,000 years to reach that destination.  Obviously, the solution is constrained to be Earth bound or near Earth technology.  We need to build telescopes with higher resolution.

The theoretical resolution capability of a telescope is measured by the following equation:

R = 1.22(λ/d)

Where R is resolution in radians, λ is light wavelengths, and d is the diameter of the telescope’s primary mirror.  The smaller the value R, the higher the resolution and the greater the ability of a telescope to resolve finer detail.  Thus, to improve resolution, we’re gonna need a bigger telescope.

The other factor to consider is a telescope’s light gathering ability.  This is directly related to the area of the primary mirror.  If the mirror is circular in shape, this is described as:

A = πr2

Where A is area, π is the constant pi (about 3.14), and r is the radius of the mirror.  The larger A is, the larger a telescope’s ability to collect light.  Thus, a larger telescope can detect dimmer objects in the sky.  It can also detect objects farther away from Earth.  A mirror with a radius of 1 meter has an area of 3.14 square meters.  A mirror with a radius of 2 meters has an area of 12.56 square meters.  In other words, doubling the radius increases the area by four times.  Thus, what a mirror with a radius of 1 meter (diameter of 2 meters) can see 10 light years away, a mirror with a radius of 2 meters (diameter of 4 meters) can see 40 light years away.

To sum up the above, mirror diameter resolves finer detail on an object while surface area will enable more targets to be imaged.

As you might gather from the above, the best stellar targets to resolve would be stars that are very large (and hence, very bright) and relatively close.  And that is why Betelgeuse was the first star to be resolved in 1995 by the Hubble.  Betelgeuse is a red giant whose diameter could fit the orbit of Mars.  It is fairly close at 642 light years.  However, observing time is scarce on the Hubble as competition is fierce to use it.  Utilizing surface observatories can open up more opportunities for this line of research.

Besides the Hubble, another telescope to resolve a stellar disk is the CHARA array at Mt. Wilson.  CHARA relies on a technique referred to as interferometry.  An array of telescopes can have the same resolving ability of a single telescope the same size.  This is dependent upon the lightwaves received from all the telescopes in the array to be synced in phase together.

Credit: Mt. Wilson Institute

Radio astronomy was the first to use interferometry.  Radio waves are much larger than light waves.  In fact, radio waves can be several kilometers long.  Hence, it was easier to synch radio waves together than optical lightwaves.  The Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico uses this technique.  If you seen the movie Contact, you may be familiar with the VLA.  The VLA is an array of 27 radio antennas that in its widest configuration can provide the same resolution as a single antenna 22 miles (36 kilometers) wide.

Credit: Wikipedia/Hajor

Both economics and physics play a role here.  It is less expensive and structurally easier to build an array of small antennas rather than build a single dish 22 miles wide.  The tradeoff is gaining resolution at the cost of collecting ability.  The VLA does not collect the same amount of radio waves as a single 22 mile wide dish.  This plays a role in optical interferometry as well.

Optical interferometry presents a couple of challenges radio interferometry does not.  Visible light waves are disturbed by atmospheric turbulence, that is what causes the twinkling you see when you look at the stars at night.  The other is light waves are much smaller than radio waves.  In fact, radio waves are 1,000 – 1,000,000 times longer than visible light waves.  As a result, optical interferometry took longer than radio interferometry to develop.  Adaptive optics solved the turbulence problem.  Computer guided optical tracks solved the problem of combining very small visible light waves.

Credit: MRO/NMT

In the above example, light from the star travels a longer path to telescope 1 than to telescope 2.  Consequently, the light from telescope 2 must take an equally longer optical path before it is combined with the light from telescope 1 to ensure both are in phase together.  If the optical path is not calibrated correctly, the waves will arrive out of phase such as below:

Credit: Wiki Commons

The optical path is adjusted so that the red wavelength travels the distance θ longer than the optical path traveled by the blue wave so both waves are in synch and are combined where the peaks and valleys of the wave match up to produce a sharp image.

The CHARA interferometer currently has the longest baseline with six 1-meter telescopes spread out with a diameter of 330 meters.  The CHARA is located adjacent to the 100-inch telescope at Mt. Wilson where Edwin Hubble made his historic discovery of the expanding universe.

In 2007, the first resolved image of a disk from a near sun-like star was produced by the CHARA.  The star was Altair located 17 light years from Earth.  The image is below:


Altair’s differs from the Sun in that its rotation rate is much faster.  The Sun rotates once every 25 days.  Altair rotates once every 9 hours.  Consequently, Altair is not spherical but bulges out from its equator.  This also causes Altair to have a cooler temperature at the equator and is thus darker in those regions.  This is the type of detail we can obtain when stars can be resolved as disks rather than points of light.

So what does the future hold?  Can future telescopes provide high resolution detail of stellar surfaces just as New Horizons provided for Pluto?  What should we hope to find if we can?  Stars, like planets, come in many sizes with differing physical characteristics.  The only star we can see with fine detail is the Sun.  The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) images the Sun in both visible and ultraviolet light.  This video is an excellent overview of the solar surface detail provided by the SDO.

Given that attempts to resolve stars light years away from Earth is still in its nascent stage, it will be many years before we achieve that kind of quality imaging.  Nonetheless, there are promising developments that should improve our ability to acquire more detail of the features on stellar surfaces.

The first is a new generation of 30-40 meter telescopes set to go online in the 2020’s.  Combined with adaptive optics technology, they will have resolution on the order of 10-12 times that of the Hubble Space Telescope.  That, along with their immense light collecting ability, should improve the amount of suitable stellar targets to resolve.

The second, is the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI) in New Mexico.  The MROI will consist of an array of ten 1.4 meter telescopes with a maximum baseline of 1115 feet (340 meters).  The anticipated resolution will be 100 times that of the Hubble.  No definite timeline is given for completion of the MROI as it is a matter of obtaining funding to continue construction.  However, it is partially completed and hopefully will be up and running within ten years.

Credit: MROI

The next logical step is to build an optical interferometer in space.  Since 2000, NASA has been working on preliminary plans for the Stellar Imager (SI) mission.  The SI would consist of an array of 20-30 one meter mirrors with a baseline of 0.5 km (1,640 feet).  The array would be located in the Lagrange L2 point.  The L2 point is a gravitationally stable region 1.5 million km (1 million miles) from Earth.  This is also where the James Webb Space Telescope will reside a few years from now.


Why should we endeavor to resolve stellar surfaces?  This is key to understanding the magnetic activity of a star and the stellar wind that emanates from the star towards orbiting planets.  These results can be integrated from the findings of exoplanet research.  Questions to be answered are, does the star generate space weather that could prevent life from forming on orbiting planets?  How strong a magnetic field does an orbiting planet require to protect life from local space weather conditions?  Does the star’s magnetic and irradiance cycle oscillate  in a manner that might inhibit the formation of life in its planetary system?  Detailed information from  main sequence stars older than the Sun could give us a look at the future of the Sun and how its evolution will impact life on Earth.

The SI is currently projected to start sometime around 2025-30.  More than likely, it will be later than that.  That is not unusual for cutting edge space missions.  The concept for an orbiting telescope was first proposed by Lionel Spitzer in 1946.  It took 44 more years to become reality as technical, funding, and political hurdles had to be overcome culminating with the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990.

I may never see the SI become reality in my lifetime, but it is important for my generation to lay down the ground work for our children to benefit from the results.  Astronomy, just like the building of the great cathedrals, can often be a multi-generational effort.

*Image on top of post are stars resolved by CHARA.  These stars are rapid rotators whose swift spinning motion flattens out their shape at the equator.  The images are false color and are designed to demonstrate temperature gradients on the surface of each star.  The brighter the color, the hotter the star is at that region.  The arrow on top indicates the true color of each star.  Credit:  CHARA/MIRC