About Me

I’ve been teaching physics and astronomy for 20 years..  While interested in all things astronomy, the fields of exoplanets and modern physics are of particular interest.  I enjoy taking a multidisciplinary approach to education as a means to teach science to non-science students.  Prior to my foray in the world of space, I studied economics.  The purpose of this blog is to explore educational methods to promote better learning – but that won’t stop me from including some personal musings from time to time.

Gregory Pijanowski

3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hello Gregory!

    It was interesting to read about Sharpstown from an alumni lens. I am in my 8th year to teaching AP Spanish and am also the AD.

    I am trying to reconnect our alumni and community to Sharpstown HS as we try to bring the positive and prominent place it played many years ago.

    Would love to keep you connected and your support with this endeavor.

  2. Hi Gregory!

    I am a high school student who is very interested in economics, and I just wanted to know your general economic philosophy. I will not condemn you for what you believe, I am just looking for new ideas to study.


    1. Hi Aeon!

      Thanks for reading my blog. I try to avoid thinking in terms of what I believe, but rather how we can model the world with the facts we have at hand. At some point in life, what we thought to be true will be overturned by new information. One such case was in the early 1900’s when Newton’s concept of absolute space and time was overturned by Einstein. Even though relativity predicted an expanding universe, Einstein was reluctant to buy into it as he believed the universe to be static. He came around eventually when observation evidence of the expanding universe was produced by Edwin Hubble. We (by we I mean myself as well) all have to guard against preexisting beliefs preventing us from advancing our understanding of the world.

      Good luck in your studies!

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